Ts’msyan (Tsimshian) language

About Sm'álgyax
Sm'álgyax is spoken in the community of Metlakatla on Annette Island, south of Ketchikan in Southeast Alaska. The Tsimshian community settled on Annette Island in 1887, led by missionary William Duncan. There are seven first-language speakers of Sm'álgyax in Alaska today.
There are two main dialects: Coastal and Southern Tsimshian; Alaska speakers speak Coast Tsimshian (or Sm’algax).
Sm'álgyax is taught at the University of Alaska Southeast and supported by resources from the Sealaska Heritage Institute.
Ndeeya wila
How are you?
Thank you (to one person)
Si'pn nuut nuun.
I love you.
Aam di wila waalu.
I am good.
Aam dsh nuun?
Good, and you?
Luk'wil aam wil waalu.
I am very good.
Ama g̲unłaak.
Good morning.
Ama sah gya'wn.
Good day today.
Ama huup'l.
Good evening.
Ndm al dyuk niidzn.
Until we meet again (to one person)
Gilks amaniisgn.
Take care of yourself (said to one person)

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