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Doogh Qinag

Holikachuk language




Holikachuk is the traditional language of the former village of the same name. In the 1960s, residents of Holikachuk moved to Grayling, where some speakers lived until very recently. Probably the last fluent first language speakers of Holikachuk, Wilson “Tiny” Deacon and Mary Deacon, passed away in 2012 and 2023, respectively.


Holikachuk is an intermediary between Koyukon and Deg Xinag. Although typologically more similar to Koyukon, the language was often in close contact with Deg Xinag, and many learned it as a second language.

​About Doogh Qinaq


Etla, s'coy


Xaledz estlan

Ama estlan


Dzanh gitay nizune

Ndadz ni'ooz

S'ooze Elizabeth



Dimalo xaledz enlan

Nqah esta


Dimalo s'kinaq xinishayh

Hello, my grandchild

How are you?

I'm good

I'm sick

What are you doing?

Very nice day

What is your name?

My name is Elizabeth

I'm hungry

Be quiet (strong sentiment, like shut up)

I hope you are well

I love you (said to significant other)

Thank you

I wish I could speak my language

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